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Western Australia Book of Lists

Western Australia has a 2010 version of its book of lists available ...
Publication: Western Australia Business News
Product: Book of Lists 2010
No. Records:3,300 companies, 10,000 contacts.
Formats: Print, CD-ROM
Price: Print (included in subscription) or CD ($900 - $1100 Australian).
Western Australia Business News provides a massive book of lists product. On the WABN Web site, the book of lists is described as:
Ideal for sales force, tele-marketing, tele-sales, direct mail and marketing or research departments. Our comprehensive database and easy reference guide to WA companies and executives in 50 industry categories also has a place in the office of any CEO.

Subscribers to the online version will have access to regular updates for 12 months.

You’ll find contact details and key information for more than 10,000 Western Australian senior executives. This sales tool is kept up-to-date all year and is ready to mail merge and export data to MS Outlook. WA Business News Subscribers can also use the electronic versions to access online archives.
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