There are over 150 Books of Lists produced by business journals, and hundreds more industry lists and rankings produced by other publishers across the United States. From New York to LA, from Florida to Charlotte, this site is your portal to finding more ranked lists than any other resource in the world.

Article Alerts: Job Hunting Resources Mentioned in Washington Post

I found a gem of an article today in the Washington Post. It's a practical article entitled "Resources for Research" about job hunting by the columnist Karen Chopra, "The Career Coach". You know my undying passion for book of lists, so to see it plugged here was invigorating. The article points out the book of lists, specifically the Washington Business Journal Book of Lists, as a viable resource for finding jobs; emphasizing the fact that the majority of real, available jobs openings never make it to public lists and job boards. A valuable key to effective job hunting is finding companies you'd like to work for, and initiating dialogue and inquiry, rather than waiting for them to announce a job opening.

Book of Lists, in any market, is an excellent resource for this type of use, enabling people to locate successful, effective companies and make contact. Another vote of confidence as Book of Lists as a master resource for job prospecting! This also tallies up one (1) point for the "job prospecting" option on the "What Do You Use Book of Lists For" Poll on the home page.